Learn to Make Cheese! Colby, Havarti & Gouda

Event Start: Oct 1, 2016 - 10:00 AM

Event End: Oct 1, 2016 - 12:00 PM

In this hands-on class you will learn to make Colby, an American original! Registration is required at www.theartofcheese.com. Colby, Havarti & Gouda are all varieties of washed-curd cheeses. They have a mild flavor and a moist texture. They are pressed and ripened like other aged cheeses, but develop their full aroma and flavor in just 4 – 6 weeks. We will make a simple and delicious Colby together in class, and taste samples and review recipes for Havarti and Gouda.
Haystack cheeses and home cheesemaking supplies will be available for purchase. See www.theartofcheese.com for additional events.

Learn more: http://www.theartofcheese.com